Desktop Study
Desktop Study
Desk based analysis of a site and its surroundings using available datasets to understand habitats, species, and environmental legislation.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Site assessment to identify ecological constraints or features of biodiversity value, likely presence of protected species, and inform opportunities and further survey recommendations.
Baseline habitat and species mapping in accordance with the deign standard of the habitat classification system using Geographic Information System (GIS).
Species Specific Surveys
Species Specific Surveys
Species or assemblages of species surveys for invasive non-natives, protected and notable species to establish presence, population size and distribution.
eDNA & DNA Testing
eDNA & DNA Testing
eDNA sampling used to survey wildlife in ponds, lakes, and rivers along with DNA metabarcoding to extract biodiversity data from soils, sediments, and invertebrates.
Botanical Surveys
Botanical Surveys
Botanist led surveys using the type of plant species present and relative abundance to classify habitat, using standard classification systems including UKHab, NVC and Phase 1.
Biodiversity Metric Calculations
Biodiversity Metric Calculations
Calculate the baseline biodiversity value of a site or project using Natural England Biodiversity Metric or alternative bespoke calculations for non-standard approaches.
Soils and Ground Investigations
Soils and Ground Investigations
Topsoil sample testing and ground investigations to understand the chemical, geological and physical characteristics of a site to determine constraints and opportunities.
Hydrology and Water Quality
Hydrology and Water Quality
Survey and analysis of topography and water behaviour in a landscape to understand existing hydrology and water quality testing for chemical characteristics.
Coordinated intensive survey effort over 24 hours to record as many species as possible in a given area to represent the diversity of life snapshot in time.