Brian Smith

Brian Smith joined Ground Control as Sales & Marketing Director in June 2020. Brian was working in an independent advisory capacity at the time following 20 years in the telecoms and IT infrastructure market where he held a number of similar roles in organisations such as Alternative Networks, BT and Cable & Wireless (now Vodafone). Prior to that Brian worked for Lloyds Bank and for Debenham’s. His cross industry experience of generating growth, building teams and integrating acquisitions stood him in good stead for the ambition of Ground Control.
Brian is very excited about the opportunity Ground Control has for making a hugely positive impact on the environment and how we can bring people and places together in a way which benefits all now and for years to come and to do so in a sustainable way.
He lives in London with his wife and they have 4 children. Brian is a sports fan and an active member of a local church. He is a keen walker. Through the church, he is involved in supporting victims of modern slavery find dignity, purpose and confidence. He is the chairman of a charity serving the needs of young people in the Borough where he lives.
Brian studied at UMIST and has a degree in Business and Finance